In 2016, my final high school soccer season ended in a 1-0 loss that we "should have won." As someone who has always been passionate about that numbers side of sports and was just starting to learn about statistics, I wanted to investigate that "should have won" statement in a more objective manner.

In the days that followed, I learned all about the state of soccer analytics and came across fantastic resources like American Soccer Analysis, but I ultimately was frustrated at the lack of soccer analytics tools that could be applied at the non-professional levels. So I set out to create some tools that could be applied at the non-professional levels.

Hundreds of hours and many iterations later, I finally felt that I had something worth making publicly available. On this site, you will find reports (match reports, player profiles, and team stats in the "goalgrid" format), a framework for recreating the analyses and visualizations shown in the reports (or perhaps creating your own) for your soccer team, more ideas that we didn't have time to get implement, and sports analytics, statistics, and programming resources I have found particularly useful on my journey so far.

Hopefully you will enjoy the site, and don't hesitate to reach out!

-Bryant Hales

P.S. Yes, we probably "should have won" that game. But that is how soccer goes sometimes...